Enhanced Personal Health Care Program

The Enhanced Personal Health Care Program empowers primary care physicians (PCPs) to more fully engage in those comprehensive primary care functions that move us toward a coordinated, evidence-based care model that has the greatest impact on achieving the triple aim of improved quality, patient experience and affordability.

We believe the doctor-patient relationship is the most important in health care. Every patient should have a relationship with a primary care physician who knows and understands their individual health care needs, can provide comprehensive whole patient health care services, and will serve as their champion, helping them navigate the complex health care system to ensure they get the care they need when and where they need it. This is the key to improving quality and outcomes and, subsequently, lowering costs.

Our program is based on a simple principle — that primary care physicians and their practice team, provided with the right tools, information, and resources, are best equipped to optimize the health of their patients and improve the affordability of health care.

This program will:

  • Make a significant investment in primary care that allows primary care physicians and their practice team to do what they can do best: manage all aspects of their patients’ care
  • Provide primary care physicians with tools, resources and meaningful information that promote (1) access, (2) shared decision making, (3) proactive health management, (4) coordinated care delivery, (5) adherence to evidence-based guidelines and (6) care planning built around the needs of the individual patient, leading to improved quality and affordability for our customers and their patients
  • Help redesign the current payment model to move from volume based to value based payment, aligning financial incentives and providing financial support for activities and resources that focus on care coordination, individual patient care planning, patient outreach and quality improvement
  • Improve the patient experience by:
    1. Creating better access to a primary care physician who will not only care for their “whole person” but will become their health care champion and help them navigate through the complex health care system.
    2. Making them active participants in their health care through shared decision making.
    3. Helping to optimize their health.

For more information, contact your provider representative.

Provider tools and resources

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